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Fig. 2 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 2

From: The predictive value of BTG1 for the response of newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia to decitabine

Fig. 2

Comparison of the methylation density and gene expression in AML cells before and after treatment with decitabine. A Volcano plot of methylation changes before and after treatment with decitabine in all three cell lines. The green dots presented differentially decreased methylation sites while the black dots presented indistinctively decreased methylation sites. B Scatter plot of methylation changes in all three cell lines. The red dots presented decreased methylation sites (|Δβ|≥ 0.20) while the green dots presented decreased methylation sites (|Δβ|< 0.20). C Heatmap of differentially decreased methylation in each cell line. Different methylation sites were shown on the horizontal axis, with colors approaching red indicating high methylation density and blue indicating low methylation density. D Heatmap of upregulated genes (|log2FC|≥ 1); horizontal axis represented upregulated genes, with colors approaching red indicating high expression, and green indicating low expression. E–G Volcano plot of gene expression, with red dots indicating significant upregulation, green dots indicating significant downregulation, and blue dots indicating nonsignificant changes. E Kasumi-1 F THP-1 G MV4-11

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