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Table 2 Correlations between leptin plasma levels, gene expression, DNA methylation, and offspring clinical variables in the cohort as a whole (O-GDM, O-T1DM, and O-BP combined)

From: Differential adipokine DNA methylation and gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue from adult offspring of women with diabetes in pregnancy


Leptin plasma levels

LEP gene expression

Average LEP DNA methylation

Leptin plasma levels


0.594 (<0.001)

0.141 (0.120)

LEP gene expression

0.594 (<0.001)


−0.001 (0.991)

Average LEP DNA methylation

0.141 (0.120)

−0.001 (0.991)


BMI (kg/m2)

0.472 (<0.001)

0.279 (<0.001)

0.059 (0.519)a

Fasting insulin (pmol/l)

0.540 (<0.001)

0.303 (<0.001)

0.131 (0.163)a

Fasting plasma glucose (mmol/l)

0.082 (0.245)

0.121 (0.130)

0.152 (0.094)a

120-min plasma glucose (mmol/l)

0.267 (<0.001)

0.317 (<0.001)

0.173 (0.062)a

Total body fat (%)

0.892 (<0.001)

0.564 (<0.001)

0.126 (0.167)a


0.527 (<0.001)

0.296 (<0.001)

0.149 (0.113)a

Mean systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

−0.138 (0.050)

−0.127 (0.112)

0.032 (0.725)a

Mean diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

0.368 (<0.001)

0.187 (0.019)

0.134 (0.138)a

Waist circumference (cm)

0.206 (0.003)

0.149 (0.061)

0.096 (0.289)a

HDL cholesterol (mmol/l)

0.071 (0.316)

−0.008 (0.919)

−0.133 (0.141)a

  1. Data is Spearman’s rank coefficient R (p value) unless otherwise indicated. p values <0.05 are in italics
  2. O-GDM offspring of women with gestational diabetes, O-T1DM offspring of women with type 1 diabetes, O-BP offspring of women from the background population
  3. aPearson’s correlation coefficient