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Fig. 4 | Clinical Epigenetics

Fig. 4

From: Genome-wide assessment of DNA methylation alterations induced by superovulation, sexual immaturity and in vitro follicle growth in mouse blastocysts

Fig. 4

Limited persistence in blastocyst of methylation changes found in oocytes. a, b Beanplots indicating methylation levels in blastocysts of the regions identified as differentially methylated in MII oocytes that showed high methylation in the SOa (n = 48) (a) and SOp (n = 2031) (b) conditions. Within each beanplot, boxplot shows median value and 25–75th percentiles and whiskers show the lowest and highest observation. c Heatmaps showing the 23 differentially methylated 100 CpG-tiles in blastocyst (B) and in oocyte (O) identified between SOa and SOp conditions in oocytes that also scored differentially methylated in blastocysts. d Representative genome browser region showing the DNA methylation levels of the Tcf4 gene. The asterisk indicates the remaining 100-CpG tile called differentially methylated in blastocysts. Each color-coded vertical bar represents the methylation value of the tile. The asterisk indicates a differentially methylated tile in the blastocyst. Error bars indicate standard deviation. SOa, superovulation adult; SOp, superovulation prepubertal; O, oocyte; B, blastocyst

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